- Posts no fórum: 1
22/07/2017, 06:33:06 via Web
22/07/2017 06:33:06 via Web
Está dando o seguinte erro.
C:\Users\luan_\Downloads\blankflash1\blankflash>.\qboot.exe blank-flash
< waiting for device >
Motorola qboot utility version 3.40
[ 0.000] Opening device: \.\COM5
[ 0.002] Detecting device
[ 0.004] ...cpu.id = 2418 (0x972)
[ 0.004] ...cpu.sn = 17882038 (0x110dbb6)
[ 0.004] Opening singleimage
[ 0.004] Loading package
[ 0.008] ...filename = singleimage.pkg.xml
[ 0.010] Loading programmer
[ 0.010] ...filename = programmer.mbn
[ 0.010] Sending programmer
[ 0.225] Handling things over to programmer
[ 0.226] Identifying CPU version
[ 0.229] Waiting for firehose to get ready
[ 60.538] Waiting for firehose to get ready
[120.685] ...MSM8952 unknown
[120.686] Determining target secure state
[120.692] Waiting for firehose to get ready
[180.868] ...secure = no
[180.883] Flashing GPT...
[180.883] Flashing partition:0 with gpt_main0.bin
[180.883] Initializing storage
[180.887] Waiting for firehose to get ready
Alguém sabe oque significa essa ultima linha?